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Writer's pictureMr Silkstone

Resources about race

My independent study for my master’s degree examined preservice teachers’ understandings of race and racism based on their experiences in initial teacher education. It highlighted the lack of content about race and racism within the curriculum which resulted in the continuation of white supremacy.

Alongside the anti-racist reading group I am facilitating, I have created a booklet and padlet to signpost members to resources that may support the development of their racial literacy. This materialises as an attempt to disrupt the current narratives of whiteness within education by providing you with a bank of resources to develop your racial literacy and reflect on your role in dismantling racism. These resources are some I found useful in my own learning and unlearning about race. I have organised them into various themes so it is easier to navigate and select content that is most relevant for where you are in the development of your anti-racist thinking.

As you interact with these resources, I encourage you to use the below questions to structure your thinking and ensure that you are actively engaging with the content. Explore how you respond to the different resources, particularly any discomfort that may arise, as this can offer valuable insight into how you may have internalised whiteness and what you need to do to deconstruct it. It may also be useful to keep a journal of your reflections.

  • What does this have to do with me?

  • What emotions are conjured as I read? Why might this be?

  • What new learning have I gained after engaging with this resource?

  • How does this connect with any prior learning?

  • What needs to shift in my worldview to consolidate this new learning?

  • How can I apply what I have learned moving forward?

  • Who can I share this with?

This has been a collaborative effort and so I would like to thank Professor Vini Lander, Dr Geeta Ludhra, Jo Byrd and Dr Bally Kaur for your guidance in producing the booklet. And of course, to all the other phenomenal scholars and thinkers that I have referenced who have been influential in developing my anti-racism. I encourage you to share these resources though I ask that you please reference correctly to ensure that credit is given to all who have contributed to its creation. I would also appreciate any suggestions, recommendations or questions you may have when accessing this booklet so please do not hesitate to contact me.

To access the resource booklet, please click here.

To access the padlet, please click here. The padlet is regularly updated.

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